The Invention of the Chat-R-Box
The Chat-R-Box was born out of necessity during the scorching Texas summer of 2013. A portion of my yard had turned brown, and I suspected a faulty irrigation valve was to blame. For two weeks, before and after work—when it wasn’t as brutally hot—I searched for the hidden valve. I poked the ground in countless spots, dug holes with a sharpshooter shovel, and left what looked like a yard full of gopher holes.
Frustrated, I turned to the internet for answers. My options? Hire an irrigation tech for $250–$300 (at $125–$150 per hour, with a two-hour minimum) or buy an expensive valve locator for $800–$1,000. Neither made sense for a simple DIY job.
With my background in electronics and a strong DIY mindset, I realized I could create a circuit that would make the valve solenoid chatter—essentially making it locate itself. I assembled a prototype using parts from an old project, tested it, and it worked!
Seeing countless online forums filled with people facing the same problem, I knew I had something useful. I designed a small box for the circuit, kept the setup and instructions simple (K.I.S.S.), and made a small test batch to sell online.
The rest is history....... -kip